Lea Brocklebank - Trust Mediation

“[Lea] has a degree of energy, enthusiasm and personal warmth. She is relaxed and attentive to the needs of the parties.”

Lea Brocklebank

As partner of a leading law firm, and having practised in the field of personal injury and insurance disputes for over 25 years, Lea has a wealth of litigation and case management experience to help litigants, lawyers and insurers find an effective way forward.

I specialise in resolving high value and complex personal injury and clinical negligence disputes, with a particular emphasis on catastrophic brain and spinal injuries.

Some of my mediated cases:

A high value public liability claim brought against three Defendants; Claimant rendered paraplegic in the negligence.

Substantial claim on behalf of a child injured in an RTA; issues of reasonable future provision; accommodation; care.



 Case study
 Blog post